According to Procter&Gamble reports (2021 and 2022), 1 in 10 schoolgirls in the UK and 1 in 5 in the US have once missed school due to lack of access to hygiene products. Although similar studies have not yet been conducted in Poland, this problem, although seemingly invisible, also exists. Its simplest solution is to provide access to menstrual products at school.
Our partner schools receive free boxes with sanitary pads and tampons for all toilets, as well as a supply of menstrual products, which we regularly replenish.
In the 2022/2023 school year, more than 127,000 menstruating students benefited from this form of assistance, and our boxes supported in 616 schools across Poland!
Do you have any questions about the programme? Contact us at szkoly@akcjamenstruacja.pl.

The application for the 2024/2025 edition of our programme will be held on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 at 12:00.
The link to the application form will be shared in this section of the website on the day of the application.
Schools participating in the Programme are bound by the Programme Regulations.
Download promotional posters, educational materials and social media graphics here.

The guide was created in collaboration with media patron HelloHealth.
The average cost of providing in-school access to menstrual products throughout the school year is £30. This year we also want to start new educational activities in our partner schools, which comes with
additional costs.
Your support helps us reach more schools! All you have to do is donate even the smallest amount to the account: Fundacja Akcja Menstruacja, 55 1600 1055 1899 6298 9000 0001, with the title "Donation for statutory purposes/ Darowizna na cele statutowe ", or to our fundraiser on the right.
You can also help by encouraging a school in your community to sign up for our Programme!

From June 1 to December 31, 2023, the Foundation carries out a task called "Akcja Menstruacja in your school in the Łódź Voivodeship".
The aim of the project is to combat the exclusion of menstruating people who, due to poverty and many other difficulties, cannot afford to buy menstrual products or have to give them up for other necessary expenses. 50 schools from the Łódź Voivodeship will receive a supply of menstrual products for the entire school year 2023/2024, and project coordinators will receive a lesson plan on the menstrual cycle, traditional and reusable menstrual products, and menstrual health and hygiene. An information webinar will be organized for school representatives.
The task worth PLN 25,000.00 is being implemented with the support of the Łódź Special Economic Zone as part of the re_action programme!

You can find all our partner schools on the map below and on the list divided by voivodeship.
Who can nominate a school for the Action?A school can be entered by a teacher, pupil, principal or parent.
Who can become a School Programme Coordinator?The School Programme Coordinator is usually a teacher appointed for this task by the school management. In our experience, assigning teachers to this role improves communication between the school and the Foundation and facilitates the continuation of the programme in subsequent years. If a male or female pupil becomes the School Coordinator, it is important to ensure that this role is transferred to another person once the pupil has left the school.
Can I enlist my school to the programme even though recruitment has already closed?Unfortunately not, but we encourage you to keep an eye on our social media where we will announce any additional recruitment for the ongoing programme.
My school participated in a previous edition of the programme, do I have to sign up again for future years?No, schools participating in previous editions of Operation Menstruation at your school or the Hey, girls! programme are automatically eligible for future years of the programme.
When will my school receive the menstrual packet?At the beginning of the year, dispatch times may be extended as we have parcels to send to almost 600 schools! During the school year, the replenishment parcel for the term will arrive within 2 weeks of us being informed that the measures have run out.
My school did not get into the programme, how can I fight menstrual poverty in school myself?1) Use our guides on proper distribution of menstrual resources in schools, which you can find on the website - they will show you step by step how you can provide resources in your school. 2) Think about how much funding your school needs, create a planned budget and present it to the Directorate and Parent Council at your school, asking for support and funding. 3) Check Heyday's offer - maybe your school would be interested in buying special dispensers for menstrual measures. 4) Organise a collection of menstrual products in your school and community - equip bathrooms with them for the whole school year. 5) Put up a poster around your school - there is a link on our website to download a Pocket Poster ready to be printed, hung in the school toilet and filled with menstrual products.